
Lyx PHP library

February 23, 2019
In category Projects


Lyx is a library of handfull PHP classes and functions. This is by no means a “perfect” PHP implementation; it’s a collection of classes and functions that I’ve wrote over many years and its’ origin is back at PHP 5.2, so there are still parts of code that need to be rewritten, modified or totally deleted. The main reason for publishing it, is because I need a quick way to install it using composer.



PHP needs to be a minimum version of PHP 7.1.0. It’s began with PHP 5.2 when I started building it, but there is no point supporting older versions < 7.1 of PHP. Some parts of the code may be in older PHP code style/methods, but I’ll fix all those library parts maybe with the help of some other people that may be intersting or find itr useful.


Using composer

composer require clytras/lyx

Downloading (not using autoloader)

Include the src/autoload.php just once.


Test cases are not implemented yet, but there will be detailed and full feature tests using PHPUnit testing library.


Examples are located inside the \examples directory. There are currently not many example cases covered, but there will be more added in the future.

  • Lyx\Strings\Str::format($text, $params = [], $options = false)
    Str::format params, support single array, associative nested arrays and even constants. Single array params are supported by numbers representing element index ex. {0}, {1} etc. Associative array params can be nested named like {param.arg1}. It supports numbers zero padding like {0,5} will produce 00123 when a number 123 will be passed. Floating point precision is supported like {0,.4} will produce 123.4500 when a number 123.45 will be passed. Padding and floating point precision can be combined like {0,5.4} will produce 00123.4500 when 123.45 passed. There is no floating point precision round methods implent yet but there will be added in the future. If we want to separate thousands using thousands separator, we add a slash after the zero padding number like {0,/.2} will produce 10,000.00 with the number 10000. It also converts numbers to hexadecimal, octal and binary formats using X (or x for lowercase) for hex, O for octal and B for binary like {0:X} will produce FE0 when 0xfe0 or 4064 will be passed; 111111100000 with {0:B}. Number converters also support zero padding {0:x,6} will produce 000fe0 when 4064 passed.
// Simple Str::format example

Lyx\Strings\Str::format("This is a simple {0} for {1} ('{0}', '{1}')", [

// This is a simple format for testing ('format', 'testing')
// Using assosiative arrays and constants

use Lyx\Strings\Str;

define("C_TEST", 'Const test!');

  "This is an assoc keys {example} for {purpose} [{C_TEST}] ('{example}', '{purpose}')",
    'example' => 'Case',
    'purpose' => 'Testing'

// This is an assoc keys Case for Testing [Const test!] ('Case', 'Testing')
// Using assosiative nested arrays

use Lyx\Strings\Str;

  "This is an assoc keys {example.arg1} for {purpose.a1} ('{example.arg2}', '{purpose.a2}')",
    'example' => [
      'arg1' => 'Example - Arg 1',
      'arg2' => 'Ex - Arg 2'
    'purpose' => [
      'a1' => 'Testing 1',
      'a2' => 'Test 2'

// This is an assoc keys Example - Arg 1 for Testing 1 ('Ex - Arg 2', 'Test 2')
// Numbers zero padding, decimal point precision and converters

use Lyx\Strings\Str;

$nums = [123, 1.23, 19000321, 0xEE, 0xA5F];
$numCases = [
  'single_numbers' => [
    'format' => "{0} / {1} / {2}"
  'zero_padding/dec_point = ./thousand_sep = ,' => [
    'format' => "{0,.3} / {1,3.4} / {2,/.2}",
    'options' => [
      'dec_point' => ',',
      'thousands_sep' => '.'
  'zero_padding/dec_point = ,/thousand_sep = .' => [
    'format' => "{0,.3} / {1,3.4} / {2,/.2}"
  'base/hex' => [
    'format' => "{3:x} / 0x{3:X,6} / {4:x} / 0x{4:X,4}"
  'base/oct' => [
    'format' => "{3:o} / 0{3:o,5} / {4:o} / 0{4:o,4}"
  'base/bin' => [
    'format' => "{3:b} / 0b{3:b,8} / {4:b} / 0b{4:b,16}"

foreach($numCases as $name => $case) {
  echo "{$name}: ";
  lyx_println(Str::format($case['format'], $nums, $case['options'] ?? []));
> single_numbers: 123 / 1.23 / 19000321
> zero_padding/dec_point = ./thousand_sep = ,: 123,000 / 001,2300 / 19.000.321,00
> zero_padding/dec_point = ,/thousand_sep = .: 123.000 / 001.2300 / 19,000,321.00
> base/hex: ee / 0x0000EE / a5f / 0x0A5F
> base/oct: 356 / 000356 / 5137 / 05137
> base/bin: 11101110 / 0b11101110 / 101001011111 / 0b0000101001011111
  • Lyx\System\Terminal
    Terminal class can be used to output colored format text to terminals. It uses a very simple format for setting foreground, background colors and attributes. The format for coloring is <f:[color-name]> for foreground color, <b:[color-name]> for background color and <a:[attr-name]> for setting attributes. The colors are hierarchical, which means they open and close in hierarchiwal manner; the attributes just set and unset using the minus sign - infront the attribute name we want to unset. For example <f:yellow,b:blue,a:underline> will set the foreground color to yellow and background color to blue; we can open an other tag to add a color to the stack, <b:cyan> will set the background color to cyan and when we call <b> it will go back to blue where it was set before the cyan color; we can just close one tag to reset or go back; <f> will go back one foreground color, <b> will go back one background color, <a:-underline> will clear the underline attribute, <a> will reset all attributes, and <> will reset everything to defaults.
// Using simple color formating or print removing the formating tags

use Lyx\System\Terminal;

$str = 'Test: <f:red,b:blue>This<f> <b:red>and<b> <f:green,a:underline>more<> <f:light-green>colors<f> <a:reverse:underline>test<a>';

// Print the text with terminal color formating

// Print the raw text without color formating tags

Lyx Lib - Terminal Colors Example

// Using templates to set color formating with regular expressions

use Lyx\System\Terminal;

$html = <<<HTML
<html lang="en">
    A Simple HTML Document
 <body bgcolor="#E6E6FA">
  <p align="center">This is a very simple HTML document</p>
  <p>It only has two paragraphs</p>

Terminal::printTmpl($html, [
  // Use green to color all the tags
  '/<(.|\\n)*?>/' => 'f:green',

  // Use yellow to collor tags attribute values
  '/(?:\<\!\-\-(?:(?!\-\-\>)\r\n?|\n|.)*?-\-\>)|(?:<(\S+)\s+(?=.*>)|(?<=[=\s])\G)(?:((?:(?!\s|=).)*)\s*?=\K\s*?[\"\']?((?:(?<=\")(?:(?<=\\\\)\"|[^\"])*|(?<=\')(?:(?<=\\\\)\'|[^\'])*)|(?:(?!\"|\')(?:(?!\/>|>|\s).)+))[\"\']?\s*)/m' => 'f:yellow',

Lyx Lib - Terminal Color Template Example

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